Thursday, December 9, 2010

Interesting Concept

I found the concept of generalizing really interesting from Chapter 14 of Epstein.  I am sure everyone had a previous understanding of this concept before reading Chapter Fourteen.  After reading this section I realized how many people, including myself, generalize on a daily basis.  When making a claim people sometimes assume EVERYONE does this.  According to Epstein generalizing is defines as, “We are generalizing if we conclude a claim about a group, the population, from a claim about some part of it, the sample.  To generalize is to make an argument” (pg. 280).  This definition is very clear and concise.  Epstein makes it extremely easy to understand.  A generalization that I hear a lot from friends is, “Nobody understands.”  They are making an argument that nobody understands them.  They are generalizing to the whole population. 
            To conclude this post, since it is my last for this class, I would just like to say that I have enjoyed reading everyone’s posts.  It has really helped me to better understand the concepts discussed in the book.

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