*Reasoning by Analogy: This type of reasoning is another form of inductive reasoning in which you compare two things that are logically similar.
Example: Premise 1- Alcohol is legal.
Premise 2- Tobacco is legal.
Conclusion- Marijuana should be legal.
This was an example from the book on page 253, but I thought it was a really good example because it relates to our lives today in that people were trying to legalize marijuana in California .
*Sign Reasoning: An argument by sign declares two or more things are so closely related that the absence or presence of one indicates the presence or absence of the other(s).
Example: A footprint in the snow is a sign or indication that someone has just recently walked by.
*Causal Reasoning: When we have reason to believe that the events of one occasion are related to the events of some other occasion. This is cause and effect.
Example: The house burned down because someone lit a match.
*Reasoning by Criteria: You spend a lot of time using examples and evidence trying to explain why your reasoning is valid.
Example: If I wanted to go out to a party I would spend a lot of time explaining to my parents how much fun it would be and how many new people I would meet since I just recently moved from a different state.
*Reasoning by Example: Giving examples in an argument.
Example: Me-“Mom can I drive over to my friends house?” Mom-“No because it is late and there are too many drunk and crazy drivers out on the road at this time of night.”
*Inductive Reasoning: This type of reasoning uses our own past examples, observations, and sometimes experiences.
Example: I had a horrible time in Wisconsin . Therefore, I will probably never go back based on my past experiences there.
*Deductive Reasoning: Where one believes that the premise is true, therefore the conclusion itself must also be true.
Example: You can not purchase cigarettes in the United States unless you are 18.
My brother is 18, so therefore he can purchase cigarettes.
Hi Blog Student! You have great examples for each type of reasoning. Some of these I can totally relate to. I totally agree with you that the first example you used was a great one that they had in the book. I think many other students can probably relate to that example. It was a great example to use too because of the recent voting that took place and one of the main props was Prop 19, to legalize marijuana. So I am sure that many who voted on Election Day can relate to the issue of marijuana being legalized since alcohol and tobacco are legal.