I actually really liked the cause and effect website and found it extremely useful. It was very easy to learn from and gave really good examples. I find that cause and effect is used widely on a daily basis and a lot in people’s arguments. The website was very interactive and interesting whereas the book seems to be just the same reading and can get quite boring. It was good to change things up and learn from an interactive website because I found that I actually paid more attention. Cause and effect is something that we all have been learning since grades school so it was not really something that needed much further explanation. Another thing I found interesting about the website was the website showed more examples of real life situations where as the book normally just shows simple examples that do not always relate to our everyday lives.
I really enjoyed reading your post! I actually thought that the cause and effect website due to the various types of sentences and arguments. I thought the segment about rhetorical questions was very interesting as well. Often times society uses rhetorical questions and statements for multiple meanings, which stems with people interpreting statements in an incorrect manner. Without the clarification when using the rhetoric, claims and statements can often times be judged as incorrect, when in reality they are valid under different reasoning. However, I really like your examples that you used for your post. Thank you so much!